ARBOUR I: Es ist Genug

29 January 2019 | 8pm

University of Victoria | Philip T. Young Recital Hall | Victoria, BC

Stephanie Bell, flutes | Kristen Cooke, oboe/English horn

Liam Hockley, bass clarinet | Max Murray, tuba

J.S. Bach: Es ist Genug

Mark Andre: iv4

Max Murray: Ad Marginem des Versuchs

György Kurtág: Kroó György in Memoriam | Schatten | Hommage a Tristan

Max Murray: For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts – as the one dieth, so dieth the other

Guillaume de Machaut: Ballade 19 (“Amours me fait desirer”)

György Kurtág: Versetto [Apokrif Organum]

Mark Andre: …in…

Max Murray: Ajax

Beginning with the Bach chorale cited by Alban Berg and Bernd Alois Zimmermann to close final statements, the material cinders evoked by Mark Andre are passed over —Guillaume de Machaut alongside— towards the epitaphs of György Kurtág, ‘north of the future.’ The ensemble reduces to the solitary, lyric voice — ‘In Memoriam.’


ARBOUR II: Telegrams